What if I need to change or move my session?



When you book you agree to our terms and conditions and we have a 48 hour reschedule period, so changes can be made up to 48 hours before your booking. We have this to ensure that prime time slots are available to everybody and empty spots can be rebooked.

You can Reschedule  your own appointments up till 48 hours before your sessions via the CHANGE button at the bottom of your confirmation email.

If you are on our social group on Facebook and wish to post and find a replacement for your session yourself, you are more than welcome and we accept no responsibility for this transaction.

We are a small business with large overheads and we try to keep the costs to customers down, but that does mean keeping sessions booked out.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But we have answered a lot of questions on our FAQ page. If you can not find the information you can send us an email.

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