Booking Terms & Conditions
UPDATED 11th February 2022
Our mission is to take the stress out of owning a difficult dog, by creating an enriched, interesting, dog focused and safe learning environment that puts the fun back into owning a challenging dog.
We therefore ask that you read the following code of conduct carefully to ensure the smooth running of the facility with the safety of your dogs as paramount.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION (please read before visiting)
- Please add the following email address to your contact list:
You will receive an automated confirmation email at time of booking and Reminder Email 6 hours before your session; this will contain the most recent gate code. If you cannot see them, please check junk and spam folders before containing us. We also need you to reply to this email to confirm receipt immediately after reading, with just the sentence ‘We have received and read all from ‘Your name’ this starts two way traffic so that your email provider does not filter our emails to spam or junk. Please note access code is NOT in the reminder text.
- DIRECTIONS – Click here for MAP or detailed directions. We are also registered on google maps and apple maps by our business name; Wild and Free Dog Meadows. We do not have a postal code for satnavs, please see previous link.
- TRAFFIC – We also recommend that you CHECK TRAFFIC REPORTS or Map apps/some satnavs, particularly through the summer at weekends as traffic heading to Ringwood can be heavy and there are plenty of alternative routes, so your dog won’t be stuck in hot cars. Please travel with plenty of water and towels, as you can wet the towels and place on your dogs to cool down and stop heat stroke. Do not use ice as this constricts the capillaries and stops the cooling process.
- We accept no responsibility and refuse refunds if you get lost. We have done everything we can to ensure you find us.
- WEATHER – If your dog is sensitive to certain types of weather and you have booked well in advance, please do check the weather forecast over 48 hours before hand, so that if it is not suitable you can reschedule your session accordingly. Instructions below.
- RESCHEDULING BOOKINGS – You can reschedule your own appointments up till 48 hours before your sessions via the change button at the bottom of this email.
If you can’t make your session less than 48 hours and if you are on our social group on Facebook Friends of Wild & Free Dog Meadows and wish to post and find a replacement for your session yourself, you are more than welcome and we accept no responsibility for this transaction.
We are a small business with large overheads and we try to keep the costs to customers down, but that does mean keeping sessions booked out.
If you can’t find some information on this email please try our FAQ’s www.wildandfreedogmeadows.co.uk/faqs
Code of Conduct:
- Seasons – We take the responsibility of care and safety of all our customers dog(s) seriously and as a priority, therefore we prefer that females in full heat do not come to the meadows. This is generally the middle part of the cycle for approximately 2 weeks, depending on the breed of the dog.
- This is a No Smoking facility, due to the lack of consideration by smokers leaving cigarette butts which are highly poisonous to dogs; we have now banned them completely.
- Please be polite, considerate and kind to our Neighbours, our Staff and Each other!! . We do not tolerate rude or abusive behaviour towards anyone, we take this very seriously and try to cultivate an environment that is stress free for all.
- Do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your time slot. If you do happen to arrive early there is a layby by the Main road (A338) or a public carpark by Fordingbridge recreation ground on the next slipway to Fordingbridge, heading north. This is also the nearest Toilet as there are none on site. DO NOT BLOCK GATEWAYS in the lane.
- Please keep gates shut and locked at all times as this is a by appointment only facility and ensures yours and your dogs safety.
- Please park sensibly and leave plenty of space to other vehicles, so that they can safety return their dog(s) back into their cars.
- Please WAIT INyour car with your dog(s) out of sight so as not to distract the other customer and wait until the other user has safety got their dog(s) in the car before exiting your vehicle. On returning to your car, please exit swiftly and shut the gate so as not to impinge on the next Customer’s time.
- Dog(s) MUSTbe on lead in the car park area at all times to ensure safety on changeovers and to help things run smoothly.
- Please be aware of other Customers, Time and the safety of their dogs. Some of our visiting dogs have serious fears of other dogs and humans’ and challenging behaviours, entering the field when they are loose, means you not only putting yourself at risk but ALSO endangering the dog and owners safety.
- Vehicles are parked at your own risk, as good practice – do not leave valuables on show. Although nothing has ever happened, we do not accept responsibility for loss or damage.
- Your time starts from the minute you get your dog(s) out the car and finishes when you dog(s) is safely back in your vehicle, not when you are in the meadows.
- Dog Waste – Please clear up after your dog(s) and put it in the green wheelie bin in the carpark by the main gate.
- If you find the field in a mess, please kindly pick it up and let us know. We do follow up and track previous bookings, so repeat offender’s access can be revoked.
- There are spare dog waste bags if you forget, hanging between the gates before you enter the meadows.***
- ENRICHMENT & Equipment – Please enjoy the meadows and enrichment for the dogs, this is here for educational and entertainment purposes.
- We also advise that dog(s) under 12 months old should not be using any equipment that is high jumping/impact as their joints and growth plates are still growing.
- Use of these facilities and any facilities provided in the field are at your own risk. We cannot and will not accept responsibility for accident or injury.
- CHILDREN – Enrichment & equipment is built for the pleasure of DOGS ONLY and in no way is child safe or friendly. We therefore ask you to supervise children carefully and use the facility with them at your own risk and we accept no responsibility for accident or injury.
- BALLS – Lots of our visiting dogs love toys and balls, however some of our visiting dogs do not cope with them and they pose a SERIOUS HEALTH RISK. We ask that ALL toys and balls are taken home or placed in the toy box by the car park, so owners can have a choice for their dog(s). Please also clear broken parts of toys and balls into the bin, as again some dogs will eat them and cause serious health problems.
- HOLES/DIGGING– If your dog digs a hole, it is important that you fill in back in and compact the earth. These pose a safety risk for dogs and humans. If you see a hole from another customer/dog, please do fill in and compact the earth and let us know, so we can work out who it is or if we need to make good/check its safe.
- DAMAGE – Please also notify us of any damage to equipment, damage to fencing or potential problems within the field in order for us to rectify the problems as quickly as possible for the safety of other customers and their dogs.
- TREATS!! We LOVE positive reinforcement training and are completely against all harsh and aversive training methods. A point we wish to make is that some dogs have allergies, so please do not leave any of your dog’s treats or food behind.
Lastly and importantly, please lock and leave as you found it and for the ease for the next customer (height of chain/lock). If for any reason you cannot lock it, you need to notify us immediately.
By booking with us, you accept all terms and conditions listed in the code of conduct and understand that the use of Wild and Free Dog Meadows is done purely at your own risk and that you will take good care of it, be respectful and kind to everyone. Failure to comply will mean future access will be revoked.
Booking with us means you agree to receive emails from us (we do not share your information with third parties) to view our Privacy Policy.
We apologise for the length however all listed are through problems we have encountered from customers and to ensure everyone’s, their dogs/children’s safety, the facilitating of safe and smooth operation and the long term future of the facility.
If you need to contact us please email info@wildandfreedogmeadows.co.uk or on our Facebook page, please be aware that this is not a 24/7 answering service, due to our other work and family commitments.
Thanks for booking and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Natalie &
Wild and Free Dog Meadows Team x