What do I need to do before booking?



You will receive an email immediately from us at the time of booking and it will contain directions and our code of conduct, it is important you read to ensure the safety of all users and their dogs, Failure to adhere to will mean future bookings will be revoked.
PLEASE ADD bookings@wildandfreedogmeadows.co.uk AND info@wildandfreedogmeadows.co.uk to your contact list before booking, this stops our automated emails being blocked by your email providers or sent to junk and spam folders. If missing please check junk and spam folders before getting in touch. We have been advised that it is best this is done via a pc/laptop through web browser rather than the email apps on your phone.

*Please note you will also receive proof of payment from Stripe, this is not your booking confirmation.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But we have answered a lot of questions on our FAQ page. If you can not find the information you can send us an email.

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